Photos from the races on March 1 and 2, 2003 at Waneta Lake

Randy Zimmer has made available some in-car video from Saturday, March 1 at Waneta Lake.

"" is one lap from the front "short"
"" is passing the open field "long"

They both need Quick Time (free at

Cable/DSL/T1 would be better than a dial-up. (ice01 is pretty big.)
Right click, choose "save target as" and save to your drive.

Videos at

Wow! An actual line for registration at the Waneta Lake Inn.

Randy Zimmer brings the Rally Subaru out to ice race.

The Geneva Boys go racing.

SAAB and Fox play together.

Sharman tries to hold off Tucker.

The Team Geneva R&D Car demonstrates the effect of a sudden unintended change in front-end geometry.

Warmth brings slush...

The Street Tire class on Waneta.